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- /* mangle.c -- encode long filenames
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1992 Free Software Foundation
- This file is part of GNU Tar.
- GNU Tar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GNU Tar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU Tar; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <time.h>
- time_t time ();
- #include "tar.h"
- #include "port.h"
- void add_buffer ();
- extern PTR ck_malloc ();
- void finish_header ();
- extern PTR init_buffer ();
- extern char *quote_copy_string ();
- extern char *get_buffer ();
- char *un_quote_string ();
- extern union record *start_header ();
- extern struct stat hstat; /* Stat struct corresponding */
- struct mangled
- {
- struct mangled *next;
- int type;
- char mangled[NAMSIZ];
- char *linked_to;
- char normal[1];
- };
- /* Should use a hash table, etc. . */
- struct mangled *first_mangle;
- int mangled_num = 0;
- #if 0 /* Deleted because there is now a better way to do all this */
- char *
- find_mangled (name)
- char *name;
- {
- struct mangled *munge;
- for (munge = first_mangle; munge; munge = munge->next)
- if (!strcmp (name, munge->normal))
- return munge->mangled;
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef S_ISLNK
- void
- add_symlink_mangle (symlink, linkto, buffer)
- char *symlink;
- char *linkto;
- char *buffer;
- {
- struct mangled *munge, *kludge;
- munge = (struct mangled *) ck_malloc (sizeof (struct mangled) + strlen (symlink) + strlen (linkto) + 2);
- if (!first_mangle)
- first_mangle = munge;
- else
- {
- for (kludge = first_mangle; kludge->next; kludge = kludge->next)
- ;
- kludge->next = munge;
- }
- munge->type = 1;
- munge->next = 0;
- strcpy (munge->normal, symlink);
- munge->linked_to = munge->normal + strlen (symlink) + 1;
- strcpy (munge->linked_to, linkto);
- sprintf (munge->mangled, "@@MaNgLeD.%d", mangled_num++);
- strncpy (buffer, munge->mangled, NAMSIZ);
- }
- #endif
- void
- add_mangle (name, buffer)
- char *name;
- char *buffer;
- {
- struct mangled *munge, *kludge;
- munge = (struct mangled *) ck_malloc (sizeof (struct mangled) + strlen (name));
- if (!first_mangle)
- first_mangle = munge;
- else
- {
- for (kludge = first_mangle; kludge->next; kludge = kludge->next)
- ;
- kludge->next = munge;
- }
- munge->next = 0;
- munge->type = 0;
- strcpy (munge->normal, name);
- sprintf (munge->mangled, "@@MaNgLeD.%d", mangled_num++);
- strncpy (buffer, munge->mangled, NAMSIZ);
- }
- void
- write_mangled ()
- {
- struct mangled *munge;
- struct stat hstat;
- union record *header;
- char *ptr1, *ptr2;
- PTR the_buffer;
- int size;
- int bufsize;
- if (!first_mangle)
- return;
- the_buffer = init_buffer ();
- for (munge = first_mangle, size = 0; munge; munge = munge->next)
- {
- ptr1 = quote_copy_string (munge->normal);
- if (!ptr1)
- ptr1 = munge->normal;
- if (munge->type)
- {
- add_buffer (the_buffer, "Symlink ", 8);
- add_buffer (the_buffer, ptr1, strlen (ptr1));
- add_buffer (the_buffer, " to ", 4);
- if (ptr2 = quote_copy_string (munge->linked_to))
- {
- add_buffer (the_buffer, ptr2, strlen (ptr2));
- free (ptr2);
- }
- else
- add_buffer (the_buffer, munge->linked_to, strlen (munge->linked_to));
- }
- else
- {
- add_buffer (the_buffer, "Rename ", 7);
- add_buffer (the_buffer, munge->mangled, strlen (munge->mangled));
- add_buffer (the_buffer, " to ", 4);
- add_buffer (the_buffer, ptr1, strlen (ptr1));
- }
- add_buffer (the_buffer, "\n", 1);
- if (ptr1 != munge->normal)
- free (ptr1);
- }
- bzero (&hstat, sizeof (struct stat));
- hstat.st_atime = hstat.st_mtime = hstat.st_ctime = time (0);
- ptr1 = get_buffer (the_buffer);
- hstat.st_size = strlen (ptr1);
- header = start_header ("././@MaNgLeD_NaMeS", &hstat);
- header->header.linkflag = LF_NAMES;
- finish_header (header);
- size = hstat.st_size;
- header = findrec ();
- bufsize = endofrecs ()->charptr - header->charptr;
- while (bufsize < size)
- {
- bcopy (ptr1, header->charptr, bufsize);
- ptr1 += bufsize;
- size -= bufsize;
- userec (header + (bufsize - 1) / RECORDSIZE);
- header = findrec ();
- bufsize = endofrecs ()->charptr - header->charptr;
- }
- bcopy (ptr1, header->charptr, size);
- bzero (header->charptr + size, bufsize - size);
- userec (header + (size - 1) / RECORDSIZE);
- }
- #endif
- void
- extract_mangle (head)
- union record *head;
- {
- char *buf;
- char *fromtape;
- char *to;
- char *ptr, *ptrend;
- char *nam1, *nam1end;
- int size;
- int copied;
- size = hstat.st_size;
- buf = to = ck_malloc (size + 1);
- buf[size] = '\0';
- while (size > 0)
- {
- fromtape = findrec ()->charptr;
- if (fromtape == 0)
- {
- msg ("Unexpected EOF in mangled names!");
- return;
- }
- copied = endofrecs ()->charptr - fromtape;
- if (copied > size)
- copied = size;
- bcopy (fromtape, to, copied);
- to += copied;
- size -= copied;
- userec ((union record *) (fromtape + copied - 1));
- }
- for (ptr = buf; *ptr; ptr = ptrend)
- {
- ptrend = index (ptr, '\n');
- *ptrend++ = '\0';
- if (!strncmp (ptr, "Rename ", 7))
- {
- nam1 = ptr + 7;
- nam1end = index (nam1, ' ');
- while (strncmp (nam1end, " to ", 4))
- {
- nam1end++;
- nam1end = index (nam1end, ' ');
- }
- *nam1end = '\0';
- if (ptrend[-2] == '/')
- ptrend[-2] = '\0';
- un_quote_string (nam1end + 4);
- if (rename (nam1, nam1end + 4))
- msg_perror ("Can't rename %s to %s", nam1, nam1end + 4);
- else if (f_verbose)
- msg ("Renamed %s to %s", nam1, nam1end + 4);
- }
- #ifdef S_ISLNK
- else if (!strncmp (ptr, "Symlink ", 8))
- {
- nam1 = ptr + 8;
- nam1end = index (nam1, ' ');
- while (strncmp (nam1end, " to ", 4))
- {
- nam1end++;
- nam1end = index (nam1end, ' ');
- }
- *nam1end = '\0';
- un_quote_string (nam1);
- un_quote_string (nam1end + 4);
- if (symlink (nam1, nam1end + 4) && (unlink (nam1end + 4) || symlink (nam1, nam1end + 4)))
- msg_perror ("Can't symlink %s to %s", nam1, nam1end + 4);
- else if (f_verbose)
- msg ("Symlinkd %s to %s", nam1, nam1end + 4);
- }
- #endif
- else
- msg ("Unknown demangling command %s", ptr);
- }
- }